Superlattice GaAs photocathodes are vital for producing polarized electron beams in key accelerator facilities, such as the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson National Laboratory and the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The electron pre-injector at the EIC requires a 7 nC bunch with at least 85% spin polarization from a GaAs-based superlattice cathode. The doping density of the very surface layer of the cathode needs to be optimized to extract a high bunch charge beam from the high voltage DC gun. The polarization axis of the emitted beam is longitudinal, and it will be rotated to transverse direction using two Wien filters, each rotating the spin by 45 degrees. In this paper, we will report on our progress in recent R&D efforts for polarized photocathodes, and spin considerations for the EIC