During the talk, I will discuss progress in applying the relativistic three-particle scattering formalism to systems of non-degenerate mesons of arbitrary angular momenta. For concreteness, I will focus on the $DD\pi$ system in the charm $C = 2$ and isospin $I = 0$ sectors, where the doubly charmed tetraquark $T_{cc}(3875)^+$ should appear as a pole in the elastic $3\to3$ scattering amplitude. After a short overview of the $T_{cc}^+$ physics, finite-volume results, and the three-body formalism, I will describe solutions to integral equations describing this three-body process. I will focus on systems with heavier than physical pion masses and present several simple models of $T_{cc}^+$ proposed to explain the available and future lattice data. In particular, I will advocate for the importance of partial $S$- and $D$-wave mixing in this system and describe its implications for the finite-volume $DD\pi$ energy levels.