B^{\pm} \to DK^+{\pm}, D—>K_S pi+ pi- and related decay modes provide an exceptionally precise way to measure the CP violating parameter gamma, one of the key measurements at LHCb and BELLE II. In order to avoid the theory uncertainties related to the description of the multi body D decay, model-independent methods are used - these use charm threshold (CLEO-c / BESIII data) to constrain the phase difference between D and anti-D amplitudes to the same point in phase space. These analyses usually average over bins of the D decay’s phase space, with the inevitable information loss that such averaging entails. This talk presents a new method that does not rely on such binning but instead corrects the phase of the charm amplitude model based on threshold information. This does not only lead to a more precise measurement of gamma, but also to a model-independent phase correction of the amplitude model that could be used to test models. (This will be based on JHEP 09 (2023) 007, https://inspirehep.net/literature/2660852 plus several additional, new results.)