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Jun 17 – 21, 2024
Hilton Hotel York
Europe/London timezone

Low-energy constants in the chiral Lagrangian with baryon fields from Lattice QCD data (25+5)

Jun 18, 2024, 1:30 PM
Walmgate Suite (Hilton Hotel York)

Walmgate Suite

Hilton Hotel York


Matthias F.M. Lutz (GSI)


In this talk I discuss the current status of the extraction of Low-energy constants (LEC) in the chiral Lagrangian with three light flavours from current Lattice QCD data. The LEC are adjusted to describe the baryon octet and decuplet masses from a large set of lattice ensembles, where finite-box and discretization effects are considered. Accurate results require an analysis at N^3LO.

Primary author

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