The electromagnetic form factors of the hadrons provide important information on the internal structure of hadrons. Perturbative QCD can be applied to calculate form factors of baryons at very high energies but at low and intermediate energies difficulty emerge due to the non-perturbative nature of QCD. In the first part of the talk, I will give an introduction to the dispersion theory, a model-independent tool based on the first principles of QFT. I will show how dispersion relations relate space-like and time-like regions from the first principles. I will then present the dispersive formalism that we have constructed in the Uppsala group to study the form factors in the non-perturbative region. Some latest results in the nucleon sector will be presented. Our predictions can be tested in experiments such as Jlab, HADES+PANDA, Belle and BES. In the second part of the talk, I will talk about an ongoing project where we are studying how to combine both the dispersion theory and functional methods.