Medical Applications of Accelerators - 1
- Saverio Braccini (AEC-LHEP, University of Bern)
The SPES project (Selective Production of Exotic Species) at LNL (Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro) aims at the realization of an accelerator facility for research in the fields of Fundamental Physics and Interdisciplinary Physics with a major part dedicated to Research and Development of innovative radioisotopes for medical diagnostics and therapies. The status of the project will be given...
In nuclear medicine and targeted radiation therapy, the production of isotopes vital for these applications is often contingent upon targets mounted on particle accelerators, which may exist in solid, liquid, or gaseous states. In these harsh environments – high temperature and pressure in the case of liquid and gas targets, high radiation fields, spatially restricted, and potentially...
Many interesting radionuclides are produced as byproducts of routine operations at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. In the coming years, the facility will install a water filled beam dump that will accumulate many of the byproduct radionuclides in a form that can be readily "harvested" for use in other applications. In preparation, a direct connection between the beam dump and a new bank...
A production-scale radioisotope separator line based on a prototype design is under development at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR). Several years back, the separator line was contemplated and built to enhance the specific activity of a radiopharmaceutical compound involving Sm-153. The purpose remains to improve the specific activity of particular radioisotopes, especially...