New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMT), Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Idaho State University (ISU) have launched a collaboration that is focused on research and education in isotope production and related science and technology of measurements, simulations, separations and applications, with an emphasis on the education of undergraduate and graduate students in this area. The research emphasis is focused on a systematic study of promising photonuclear reactions for many radioisotopes listed in the 2015 DOE/NIH National Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC) Isotope Subcommittee report “Meeting Isotope Needs and Capturing Opportunities for the Future: The 2015 Long Range Plan for the DOE-NP Isotope Program”. We are measuring bremsstrahlung-weighted excitation functions, and inferring the photonuclear cross sections to fill in some of the many gaps in the world’s photonuclear data, as documented in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) “Handbook on Photonuclear Data for Applications”. Photonuclear excitation function measurements will include (γ, α), (γ, p), (γ, n), (γ, np), and possibly other reaction channels. This program provides support and education each year for roughly 14 students and will provide critical talent in support of domestic efforts in isotope science.