The Electron Beam Research Facility, where most of the studies reported today were conducted, is located at the Miami-Dade Virginia Key Wastewater Treatment Plant, Miami, Florida. It was a High Voltage Engineering, 1.5 MeV Insulated Core Transformer (ICT), 50 mA horizontal-beam accelerator. Originally designed to treat wastewater biosolids (sludge) prior to land application, it had two additional inputs, secondary treated wastewater and potable water. It was designed to treat 120 gallons per minute of any of the three input streams; however, we conducted studies at between 100 and 150 gallons per minute.
To conduct batch studies, solutions of organic compounds were irradiated at 3-solute influent concentrations, 3-pH values, nominally pH = 5, 7, 9, and 4 doses. Studies with clay, 3 % by weight, were conducted at only one pH, nominally pH = 5. Two different tanker trucks, with a 3,000- or 6,000-gallon capacity, were used to make up solutions for these studies. The flow rate for all of the batch studies was 100 gallons per minute.
To demonstrate the technology at potential customer sites, we constructed a mobile system. This system was a High Voltage Engineering ICT, 500 KeV, 20 mA, self-shielded vertically mounted accelerator. This was built in a conventional 40 foot low-boy trailer. The system was transported to different locations in the US and shipped to Germany and France, three times, for on-site studies.