A novel neutron source concept, in which a deuterium beam (energy of about 100 keV) is to be injected into a tube filled with tritium gas or tritium plasma to generate D-T fusion reactions whose products are 14.06 MeV neutrons and 3.52 MeV alpha particles, is described. At the opposite end of the tube, the energy of deuterium ions that did not interact is recovered. Be walls of proper thickness will absorb 14 MeV neutrons and release 2 – 3 lower energy neutrons. Each ion source and tube forms a module. Larger systems can be formed from multiple units. Beam propagation can be further enhanced with vortex-stabilized discharges, electron beams in opposite direction (with energy recovery) or magnetic fields where possible. Deuterium ions propagating through tritium plasma are slowed down and deposit significant energy in the tritium target. Plasma heating results in high temperature electron, thus reducing deuterium ion energy loss. Equilibrium electron temperature exceeding 200 eV can be achieved. Unlike current methods, where accelerator based neutron sources require large amounts of power for operation, this neutron source is compact and can generate neutrons at higher power efficiency. Being modular, the concept can be tested in tabletop experiments. Concept description and basic calculation will be presented. Among possible applications for this neutron source concept are sub-critical nuclear breeder reactors and accelerator transmutation of radioactive waste.