Recent advancements in accelerator design, manufacturing technology, and supporting subsystems have ushered in a renaissance in compact accelerator-based electron, X-ray, and gamma sources. These sources have reduced size, weight, and power requirements with negligible or otherwise acceptable reduction in output performance. The use of frequencies above 9 GHz, and even >100 GHz, have allowed for miniaturization of the accelerating structure, but reduction in the size and weight of subsystems have allowed further improvements to the system footprints. Recently, these improvements have culminated in a new generation of portable electron and X-ray sources. In addition, these same manufacturing and design improvements have recently been applied to higher-energy (circa 30 -- 100 MeV) accelerators serving as drivers for gamma sources. Here, we report on these recent subsystem advancements, illustrative examples of compact accelerators, and the new applications they facilitate. Electron, X-ray, and gamma sources are covered.