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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
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The baryon anticorrelation problem may require modifying fragmentation in PYTHIA

Apr 14, 2023, 11:50 AM
Orchestra D

Orchestra D


Victor Gonzalez (Wayne State University)


Baryon anticorrelation measurements have disagreed with theory in the last few years: the number of experimental baryon pairs with small phase-space separation falls short from existing numerical Monte Carlo simulations.

We have computationally extracted baryon (anti)correlations from one of the best known Monte Carlo codes, PYTHIA, that produces them at the string-fragmentation level in the underlying Lund model; we then propose the simplest modifications that could lead to better agreement with data.

These are two ad-hoc changes in the fragmentation code, a "one-baryon" and "always-baryon" policies that qualitatively reproduce the experimental data behavior, i.e. anticorrelation, and suggest that lacking Pauli-principle induced corrections at the quark level could be the culprit behind the standing disagreement.

Primary authors

Noe Demazure (Lab. de physique ENS Lyon) Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada (Univ. Complutense de Madrid)

Presentation materials