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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

The correlated spatial structure of the proton from double generalized parton distributions as a framework for dynamical imaging

Apr 14, 2023, 9:50 AM
Orchestra B

Orchestra B


simonetta liuti (university of virginia)


Mapping the 3D structure of the proton in terms of its spinning quark and gluon constituents is one of the main goals of current hadronic physics investigations. Generalized parton distributions can provide part of the solution, connecting GPDs through Fourier transformation to the average spatial density of quarks and gluons with a given longitudinal momentum fraction, x. Notwithstanding the importance of this information, a fuller dynamical picture of the proton’s interior can be better captured by introducing two-particle spatial density distributions. The latter depend on the relative distance between partons and therefore provide a measure of the amount of correlations in the particles’ motion. Introducing double generalized parton distributions, we provide a description of the quark and gluon dynamics in terms of their spatial overlap probabilities. The latter allow us, for instance, to distinguish among configurations where the gluons either preferentially cluster around valence quarks, or are distributed in a diffused cloud configuration occupying the entire available space within the proton. In this talk I will focus on the gluon sector, presenting results using a spectator model based gluon GPD parametrization, and its extension to double GPDs.

Primary author

simonetta liuti (university of virginia)


Brandon Kriesten (University of Virginia) Joshua Bautista (University of Virginia) Zaki Panjsheeri (University of Virginia)

Presentation materials