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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

Complementarity in Joint Lattice-Experiment Analysis of Parton Distributions

Apr 12, 2023, 5:20 PM
Orchestra B

Orchestra B


Dr Joseph Karpie (Jefferson Lab)


Parton Distributions encode the universal way in which partons, ie quarks and gluons, distribute themselves within a hadron and are necessary for interpreting certain hadronic cross sections with Standard Model particles. By inverting the relationship between experimental cross sections and theoretical partonic cross sections, phenomenologists determine these parton distributions. Over the past decade, Lattice QCD calculations have related matrix elements to those distributions in a similar way. In this talk, I will present the recent work between the HadStruc and JAM collaborations at analyzing experimental cross-sections and lattice results simultaneously. Even a few lattice data can have a substantial impact on the precision of the pion PDFs. We also study the impact of lattice data on a recent controversy in the sign of the nucleon's gluon helicity distribution.

Presentation materials