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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

EMC effect measurements at 11GeV

Apr 13, 2023, 5:00 PM
Orchestra A

Orchestra A


Abhyuday Sharda (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)


I will report on the Jefferson Lab(JLab) Hall C experiment E12-10-008 (EMC effect) that is currently running and will finish data taking by mid February. Multiple cryogenic and solid targets were used to measure inclusive electron scattering using a 10.5 GeV beam from the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility at JLab. In this experiment, for a series of light to heavy nuclei, we measured inclusive electron scattering cross section ratios at x<1, where the EMC effect dominates, and at x>1 where contributions from nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations are relevant. The analysis of this data will further elucidate the connection between the nuclear quark distributions and the high-density configurations in nuclei and also shed more light on the nuclear dependence of the EMC effect. The EMC effect data for Boron-10 and -11 from a running period in 2018 has also been analyzed. I will present an outline of the related physics, an overview of how the experiment was conducted, and online analysis results in addition to the EMC effect results for Boron targets.

Presentation materials