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Apr 12 – 14, 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
US/Central timezone

Test beam studies of a high-granularity *SiPM-on-Tile" calorimeter insert for the EIC

Apr 14, 2023, 11:30 AM
Orchestra A

Orchestra A


Sean Preins (University of California Riverside)


We report the results of the test beam studies performed on a prototype for the high-granularity calorimeter insert for the ePIC detector at the EIC. The ECAL-sized prototype was constructed using layers of Fe absorber plates and scintillating tiles with silicon photomultipliers. A 4 GeV positron beam from Jefferson Laboratory's Hall D pair spectrometer was used to evaluate its performance. These studies serve as a proof-of-concept and will inform future design improvements and construction techniques.

Primary author

Sean Preins (University of California Riverside)

Presentation materials