The SU(3) flavor symmetry in the quark model for baryons allows as many Ξ resonances as N∗ and ∆∗ combined. Only a handful of these states have been identified experimentally and among these states, only six states have three and four-star status according to PDG. The GlueX experiment, in Jefferson Lab’s Hall D using a photon beam of energies up to 12 GeV allows us to study the Cascade baryon spectrum. In this presentation, we present the preliminary cross section results for the photoproduction of Ξ(1820)∗− baryon in the reaction γp → K+K+Ξ∗− with Ξ∗− → K−Λ. We are presenting the results for the Phase -I GlueX data for the incident photon beam energy range 6.0 to 11.4 GeV. These are the first total cross section results for Ξ(1820)∗− in photoproduction.