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Mar 7 – 10, 2022
Duke University
US/Eastern timezone

Di-hadron correlations in $e^-$A DIS with CLAS

Mar 8, 2022, 2:20 PM
Love Auditorium/LSRC B101 (Duke University)

Love Auditorium/LSRC B101

Duke University


Sebouh Paul (UC Riverside)


The CLAS Collaboration presents a measurement of the nuclear dependence of di-pion production in deep inelastic scattering off nuclei. We report results on the di-pion correlation functions (that is, the probability, given the detection of one hadron, of detecting a second hadron separated from the first by a given amount in azimuthal angle and rapidity) for charged pions.
By making separate measurements for various targets ranging from deuterium to lead, our results complement earlier measurements which focused on nuclear-to-deuterium ratios of hadron yields.
Our measurement is the first of its kind for nuclear DIS.
The correlation functions increase with larger separation between the pions. However, this effect is less pronounced for heavier nuclei than for deuterium. This represents a new type of study in electron-nucleus collisions and serves as a pathfinder for future experiments with CLAS12 and the Electron-Ion Collider.

Primary author

Sebouh Paul (UC Riverside)

Presentation materials