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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Exploring Hadrons through the Microscope of Lattice QCD

Apr 16, 2021, 12:00 PM
Oral Presentation Plenary Session 4


David Richards (Jefferson Lab)


Lattice QCD has emerged as an essential framework for understanding the properties of hadrons from first principles. Many features of strong-coupling QCD, such as the excited state spectrum and the internal structure of hadrons characterized by light-cone-separated matrix elements, that were once thought inaccessible to ab initio computation, are now explored in detail. In this talk, I focus on the internal structure of the nucleon and pion, from the one-dimensional distributions encapsulated in the parton distribution functions and electromagnetic form factors, through the three-dimensional measures of GPDs and TMDs. I conclude with the opportunities emerging in the exascale era, and how the amalgam of lattice computations and experiment will be key to the faithful imaging of hadrons.

Primary author

David Richards (Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials