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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

The workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP) provides an important opportunity for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge related to QCD and hadron physics. This workshop should interest physicists working in fields such as the partonic structure of hadrons and nuclei, heavy-ion physics, lattice gauge theory, jet physics, spectroscopy, and QCD at finite temperature and density. This includes research associated with current and future facilities such as Jefferson Lab, RHIC, the Electron-Ion Collider, Fermilab, and many other facilities around the world.

This workshop will provide a forum to discuss recent results in experiment and theory, and thereby help to  enhance communication within our diverse hadron physics community. This workshop will be held remotely and immediately precedes the APS April Meeting which is also virtual.

The call for abstracts is now closed.

Topics for the workshop include:

  • Electroweak probes

  • Extreme matter and neutron star collisions

  • Hadrons in nuclei

  • Hadron spectroscopy

  • Hadron tomography and hadronization

  • Heavy flavor and jet production

  • Neutrino-hadron interactions

  • New physics and discrete symmetry violation in hadron physics

  • Nonequilibrium dynamics

  • Nucleon and nuclear spin physics

  • Origin of hadron mass

  • Physics of the quark-gluon plasma

  • Quantum information for hadron physics

  • Small systems and collectivity

  • Transverse and longitudinal structure of hadrons

  • Ultraperipheral Collisions

The contact email address for this workshop is:

Originally this workshop was to be held as an in-person meeting in Sacramento, CA.
