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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Attractor in pre-equilibrium quark-gluon plasma and initial distribution

Apr 16, 2021, 1:50 PM


Xiaojian Du (Bielefeld University)


The equilibration and hydrodynamization of pre-equilibrium quark-gluon plasma in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions are of interest. We established a numerical implementation of the QCD effective kinetic theory based on Arnold, Moore, Yaffe framework at leading order, including both gluon and light quark/antiquark degrees of freedom. A universal hydrodynamic attractor is present even at finite baryon density, where we also show the pre-equilibrium trajectory of QGP in the T-mu diagram and how that connects to hydrodynamics. To apply the universal attractor, we constrain the initial distribution in heavy-ion collisions from pre-equilibrium entropy production with a TMD approach.

Primary author

Xiaojian Du (Bielefeld University)

Presentation materials