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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

$D K$ and $D \bar{K}$ scattering and the $D_{s0}(2317)$ from lattice QCD

Apr 13, 2021, 3:50 PM


Christopher Thomas (University of Cambridge)


I will discuss some recent first-principles lattice QCD calculations of $DK$ and $D\bar{K}$ scattering, relevant for the enigmatic $D_{s0}(2317)$, with light-quark masses corresponding to $m_\pi = 239$ MeV and $m_\pi = 391$ MeV. The S-waves contain interesting features including a near-threshold $J^P = 0^+$ bound state in isospin-0 $DK$, corresponding to the $D_{s0}(2317)$, with an effect that is clearly visible above threshold, and suggestions of a $0^+$ virtual bound state in isospin-0 $D\bar{K}$. The S-wave isospin-1 $D\bar{K}$ amplitude is found to be weakly repulsive. There is a deeply bound $D^\ast$ vector resonance, but negligibly small P-wave $DK$ interactions are observed in the energy region considered; the P and D-wave $D\bar{K}$ amplitudes are also small.

Based on material in arXiv:2008.06432
G. K. C. Cheung, C. E. Thomas, D. J. Wilson, G. Moir, M. Peardon, S. M. Ryan,
for the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration

Primary author

Christopher Thomas (University of Cambridge)

Presentation materials