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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

The lightest $D_0^\star$ resonance from QCD

Apr 13, 2021, 4:10 PM


Nicolas Lang (Trinity College Dublin)


For the first time, we find a complex $D_0^\star$ resonance pole in elastic Isospin-1/2 $D\pi$ scattering, using Lattice QCD with a pion mass $m_\pi\approx239$ MeV and the Lüscher finite-volume quantisation condition. The resonance, which is lighter than the $D_{s0}^\star$ found on the same lattice, is strongly coupled to the $S$-wave $D\pi$ channel. We find that both $q\bar{q}$-like and $D\pi$-like constructions are necessary to interpolate the corresponding spectrum from the vacuum.

based upon work in preparation
L. Gayer, N. Lang, S. Ryan, D. Tims, C. E. Thomas, D. J. Wilson
for the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration

Primary author

Nicolas Lang (Trinity College Dublin)

Presentation materials