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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Extending lattice PDF computations to new theoretical regimes

Apr 13, 2021, 4:50 PM
Oral Presentation Pion and Kaon Structure


Nikhil Karthik (Jefferson Lab / William & Mary)


The lattice computation of PDFs is still emerging and in the process of being complementary to the experimental determinations. In the meanwhile, we discuss how the lattice PDF computations can immediately serve the purpose of understanding the nonperturbative origins of parton structures by extending it to theoretically interesting cases that are otherwise not accessible experimentally. For this I will discuss two cases: (1) Understanding the differences between the quark structures of pion and its radial excitation. (2) Understanding how the short-distance quark structure of pion is intimately connected to the infrared symmetry-breaking physics by theoretically tuning the strength of symmetry-breaking.

Primary author

Nikhil Karthik (Jefferson Lab / William & Mary)

Presentation materials