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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Vector-Meson-Nucleon Scattering Lengths from Omega to Upsilon

Apr 14, 2021, 3:50 PM
Oral Presentation Hadronic Interactions I


Igor Strakovsky (The George Washington University)


The quality of the recent vector-meson photoproduction data from JLab and MAMI at the proximity of the data to the energy threshold gives access to a variety of interesting physics aspects. As an example, an estimation of the vector-meson-nucleon scattering lengths are provided within the vector meson dominance model and projected to the Yp scattering length for EIC. Due to the small size of 'young' vs 'old' vector-meson, measured scattering length is small. So, the vector-meson created by the photon at the threshold then most probably vector-meson is not formed completely and its radius is smaller than that for normal vector-meson, Therefore, one observes stronger suppression for the vector-meson-nucleon interaction.

Primary author

Igor Strakovsky (The George Washington University)


Bill Briscoe (GWU)

Presentation materials