9:00 AM
Studying TDA with pp → e+e−π0 at the PANDA Experiment
Stefan Diehl
(Justus Liebig University Giessen and University of Connecticut)
9:25 AM
Backward Meson Electroproduction Opportunities at EIC
Wenliang Li
(William & Mary)
9:50 AM
Backward Opportunities at JLab 12 GeV Hall A with BigBite and Super BigBite Spectrometers
Carlos Ayerbe Gayoso
(The College of William and Mary)
10:10 AM
Short Range Correlation and Backward Nucleon Tagging
Florian Hauenstein
(Old Dominion University)
10:50 AM
Backward Meson Electroproduction from JLab 12 GeV Hall C Kaon LT Experiment
Stephen Kay
(University of Regina)
11:15 AM
Non-forward pi+pi- Production
Robert Perry
(The University of Adelaide)
11:45 AM
Backward production at high energies, in ultra-peripheral collisions and at an EIC
Spencer Klein
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)