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May 14 – 18, 2018
Jefferson Lab - CEBAF Center
US/Eastern timezone

Non-vanishing of vacuum diagrams in light-cone perturbation theory

May 17, 2018, 5:10 PM
F113 (Jefferson Lab - CEBAF Center)


Jefferson Lab - CEBAF Center


Lubomir Martinovic (Institute of Physics SAS, Bratislava and BLTP JINR Dubna)


Recently, J. Collins has pointed out that vacuum diagrams are, contrary to the general belief, non-vanishing in light-front field theory. In our contribution, we first recall the old (forgotten) arguments by Chang and Ma and by Yan, why this should be so. Then we apply the argument of analyticity of the self-energy diagrams in \lambda\phi^3 and \lambda \phi^4 two-dimensional models in light-front (LF) perturbation theory to calculate the vacuum bubbles explicitly as p=0 values of the appropriate self-energy diagrams. The results are non-zero and agree with the usual Feynman-diagram calculation. Surprisingly, the light-front bubbles are non-vanishing NOT due to LF zero modes. This is confirmed by the DLCQ calculations, where the mode with n=0 (the LF zero mode k^+ =0) is manifestly absent, but the results still converge to the continuum values for increasing "harmonic resolution" K. Generalization to realistic 3+1 dimensional case and to e.g. Yukawa theory is straightforward. *) work done in collaboration with A. Dorokhov, BLTP JINR Dubna

Primary author

Lubomir Martinovic (Institute of Physics SAS, Bratislava and BLTP JINR Dubna)

Presentation materials