Strongly interacting many-body quantum systems are computationally inefficient to model due to the exponential scaling of resources required with system size and QCD is no exception. The fermionic sign problem and a non-trivial interplay of dynamics at different energy scales make calculations at finite density and real-time dynamical phenomena intractable for even today’s exa-scale computers....
The deuteron, the most fundamental nuclear system, has a wave function predominantly characterized by the proton-neutron ($pn$) component. As such, it serves as a valuable tool for probing various aspects of the $pn$ strong interaction. Studying the $pn$ system at short distances addresses fundamental questions in nuclear dynamics, such as the relativistic description of nuclear structure, the...
The recently conducted JLab Hall A experiment E12-09-019, using the SBS spectrometer, measured the GMn nucleon Form Factor for momentum transfers up to 13.5 GeV^2. A combination of GMn and GMp data at such high Q^2 will allow us to do a flavor decomposition of the Dirac nucleon form factor F1 and extract the ratio F1_d / F1_u, which was surprisingly predicted to be close to zero in some...
DDVCS corresponds to the scattering of a spacelike photon at high virtuality off a quark, followed by the emission of a timelike photon, and can be parametrized by the so-called GPDs, accessing transverse positions versus longituninal momenta of partons. We recently proposed to extend the setup intended to measure unpolarized TCS in Hall C with the addition of a new muon detector. GPDs can...