The study of the three-dimensional (3-D-longitudinal and transverse-momentum) imaging and spin structure of the nucleon emerged from studies of power-suppressed/next-to-leading power (NLP) azimuthal modulation and transverse spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) experiments. In this talk I will present our latest work on establishing TMD factorization at next to leading power (NLP). We emphasize the role of renormalization group consistency as a necessary condition establishing TMD factorization at NLP. We also discuss the criteria of matching large and small transverse momentum of the cross section in relation to establishing TMD factorization at NLP. Establishing TMD factorization at NLP is crucial for performing 3D imaging of hadrons in current and future DIS experiments, and thus for ongoing global analyses. In this context, we focus on the cosφ modulation—known as the Cahn effect—which highlights the central role of partonic intrinsic transverse momentum in explaining the transverse momentum spectrum in SIDIS for meson production.