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Mar 14 – 16, 2025
Anaheim Convention Center
US/Pacific timezone
Full registration, incl. payment of the workshop fee, is open

Bottomonium suppression in \texorpdfstring{$p\,$}{p}-Pb collisions at the LHC energies

Mar 16, 2025, 9:25 AM
203A (Anaheim Convention Center)


Anaheim Convention Center


Sabin Thapa (Kent State University)


We present a comprehensive study of bottomonium ($\Upsilon(1S)$, $\Upsilon(2S)$, and $\Upsilon(3S)$) suppression in minimum-bias proton-Lead ($p$-Pb) collisions at 5.02 and 8.16 TeV. Our approach accounts for both cold nuclear matter (CNM) effects (nuclear parton distribution function (nPDF) effects, coherent energy loss and momentum broadening), and hot nuclear matter (HNM) effect due to the hot Quark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) medium. To calculate the nuclear shadowing (nPDF effect), we use EPPS21 nPDFs. For the coherent energy loss and momentum broadening, we adopt the method developed by Arleo, Peigne, and collaborators. The 3+1D viscous hydrodynamic evolution of the quark-gluon plasma is modeled with anisotropic hydrodynamics. To evaluate bottomonium suppression within the QGP, we employ two methods: a next-to-leading order open quantum system framework formulated within potential nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics (pNRQCD), and a semi-classical kinetic rate equation using perturbative and non-perturbative bottomonium reaction rates. We compare the suppression predictions from both methods. Finally, combining the CNM and HNM effects, we compute the nuclear modification factor ($R^\Upsilon_{pA}$) of $\Upsilon(nS)$ states as a function of rapidity $(y)$ and transverse momentum $(p_T)$. Then, we compare our results with experimental data from the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb Collaborations. Incorporating all these effects gives a reasonably accurate description of the experimental data, supporting the idea of hot and short-lived QGP formation in the min-bias $p$-Pb collisions at the LHC energies.

Primary author

Sabin Thapa (Kent State University)


Michael Strickland (Kent State University) Ramona Vogt (LLNL/UC Davis) Ralf Rapp (Texas A&M University) Jacob Boyd (Kent State University) Biaogang Wu (Texas A&M University)

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