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Mar 14 – 16, 2025
Anaheim Convention Center
US/Pacific timezone
Full registration, incl. payment of the workshop fee, is open

Probing Nuclear Structure of Heavy Ions at the Large Hadron Collider

Mar 15, 2025, 4:35 PM
203A (Anaheim Convention Center)


Anaheim Convention Center


Wenbin Zhao (Wayne State University)


The shapes of colliding nuclei influence flow patterns in heavy-ion collisions due to hydrodynamic responses to collision geometry. We performed simulations to study the impact of nuclear structure on anisotropic flow ratios in Pb+Pb and Xe+Xe collisions at the LHC. Our findings show these ratios are significantly affected by nuclear structure, offering a new method to probe deformed nuclear geometry.
These flow ratios are also sensitive to nuclear skin thickness, providing indirect constraints on neutron skin. We also explore opportunities at upcoming SMOG2 experiments at LHCb. Using ab initio calculations for $O$ and $Ne$, we predict anisotropic flow for Pb+Ne and Pb+O collisions. Elliptic flow in Pb+Ne is enhanced due to Ne's unique shape.

This research creates new synergies between nuclear structure and heavy-ion physics, advancing precision studies in relativistic nuclear collisions.

Primary authors

Bjoern Schenke (Brookhaven National Lab) Chun Shen (Wayne State University) Heikki Mantysaari (University of Jyv¨askyl¨a) Wenbin Zhao (Wayne State University)

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