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Apr 8 – 10, 2015
Baltimore, MD
US/Eastern timezone

The physics of sPHENIX with emphasis on bottomonium

Apr 8, 2015, 3:00 PM
Peale AB (Baltimore, MD)

Peale AB

Baltimore, MD

Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor
invited talk RHIC 1


Anthony Frawley (Florida State University)


Bottomonium is very attractive for studies of screening in the QGP because there are three states of different radii that can all be observed. The proposed sPHENIX detector will make it possible to compare precise bottomonium production data from heavy ion collisions at RHIC with precise data from the LHC, providing an opportunity to study the properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma at quite different initial temperatures. In addition to initial medium temperature, there are other differences in conditions between the two energies that are helpful in understanding the interplay between competing physics processes. One example of this is the difference in charm and bottom quark production rates, which leads to large differences in the rates of charmonium and bottomonium production via coalescence of heavy quarks. In this talk I will discuss the physics program planned at RHIC with the sPHENIX detector, a state of the art jet and Bottomonium detector, wih emphasis on the insight expected from a comparison of RHIC and LHC bottomonium data with theory.

Primary author

Anthony Frawley (Florida State University)

Presentation materials