Spin Transport at EIC
- Fanglei Lin (Oak Ridge National Lab)
Electron Ion Collider (EIC) requires high polarization for both ion and electron beams. To reach 70% proton polarization, six snakes will be used for EIC hadron storage ring (HSR). Extensive simulations have been done to make sure the polarization will be preserved through HSR. The simulations show that with pre-cooled beam size, the polarization can be preserved. In addition, polarized He3...
The EIC's Hadron Storage Ring will capture and accelerate spin-polarized hadron bunches from the injector chain comprising OPPIS/EBIS, Linac, Booster, and the AGS. If unaccounted for, polarized species will cross a vast number of depolarizing first-order spin-orbit resonances, which for ultra-relativistic particles occur every 523 MeV for protons, every 13.1 GeV for deuterons, every 336 MeV...
We review the status of the RCS polarization transport after the increase in energy to 3 GeV, the impact of several lattice changes, and the effect of the introduction of a radiative element to increase damping time.