Commissioned in 2017, the CLAS12 spectrometer is the flagship detector system in Hall B at Jefferson Lab, replacing the previous spectrometer, CLAS, which operated from 1997 until 2012. CLAS12 enables large acceptance studies of electron-induced reactions using the now energy-doubled CEBAF electron beam, with access to quasi-real photoprodcution processes via the low-Q2 Forward Tagger. The Forward Tagger is able to determine the properties of the photon, such as polarisation, on an event-by-event basis, offering notable advantages over both real photon beams and hadronic beam experiments, where most experimental data exists.
The MesonEx experiment seeks to address fundamental questions in our understanding of QCD by probing the spectrum of mesons, searching for exotic states and making precise determination of masses and properties. The existence of exotic states, suggested by both quark models and lattice calculations, would allow gluonic degrees of freedom to be explored, and may help explain the role played by gluons in the QCD interaction. This talk will showcase recent progress in MesonEx analyses, and outline our approaches and prospects for partial wave analysis of several multi-particle final states.