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Jun 17 – 21, 2024
Hilton Hotel York
Europe/London timezone

Baryon Spectroscopy in 3-Body Hadronic Reactions at J-PARC (20+5)

Jun 18, 2024, 2:50 PM
Bootham and Micklegate Suite (Hilton Hotel York)

Bootham and Micklegate Suite

Hilton Hotel York


Shin Hyung Kim (Kyungpook National University)


The nucleon resonance spectrum provides fundamental information about non-perturbative QCD. The precise data from both photoproduction and hadronic reactions are essential in order to separate the overlapping broad nucleon resonances using a partial-wave analysis (PWA). The J-PARC E45 experiment has been set up to accurately measure the nucleon resonance spectrum through the $\pi N \to \pi\pi N$ hadronic reactions across an energy range from 1.5 to 2.15 GeV. The E45 detector system features a large-acceptance Superconducting Hyperon Spectrometer, equipped with a GEM-based time projection chamber (HypTPC). This spectrometer was designed for high-precision measurements with a high-rate capability up to 1 MHz beam at J-PARC. This presentation will discuss the current status of preparations and the anticipated outcomes of the E45 experiment.

Primary author

Shin Hyung Kim (Kyungpook National University)

Presentation materials