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Jun 17 – 21, 2024
Hilton Hotel York
Europe/London timezone

The First Polarized-Target DVCS Experiment with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab (20+5)

Jun 17, 2024, 2:50 PM
Bootham and Micklegate Suite (Hilton Hotel York)

Bootham and Micklegate Suite

Hilton Hotel York


Noémie Pilleux (IJCLab, Université Paris Saclay)


The first polarized target experiment of the CLAS12 program at JLab took place last year, scattering 10.5 GeV electrons on longitudinally polarized protons and neutrons in hydrogenated- and deuterated-ammonia targets. It is of high interest for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) studies since using polarized electron beams and polarized nucleon targets is necessary for the complete extraction of Generalized Partons Distributions (GPDs). These structure functions allow to describe the 3D structure of the nucleon, the origin of its spin, and the forces at play within it.

This experiment will allow the measurement of the DVCS target-spin and double-spin asymmetries on neutrons for the first time. From these observables, integrals of GPDs over the momentum fraction x (Compton Form Factors) will be extracted, giving access to the H and E GPDs for the neutron in particular. Combining results on the proton and the neutron will allow for the flavor decomposition of GPDs.

An overview of the experiment and the analysis will be presented, highlighting the tools specifically developed to work with a polarized nuclear target and preliminary results for DVCS asymmetries.

Primary author

Noémie Pilleux (IJCLab, Université Paris Saclay)

Presentation materials