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May 17 – 19, 2022
US/Eastern timezone

Data Handling in Allen at LHCb

May 18, 2022, 9:45 AM


Dr Thomas Boettcher (University Of Cincinnati)


In Run 3 of the LHC, the upgraded LHCb detector will collect data with a triggerless readout system. As a result, the full 30 MHz LHC event rate will be processed in software. LHCb will confront this unprecedented computing challenge using a GPU-based software trigger called Allen. The use of triggerless readout and GPUs will allow LHCb to expand its physics program in Run 3 and beyond, but the transition also presents the challenge of adapting to a new computing model. In this talk, I'll present Allen and discuss how we have approached the challenges of implementing a high-throughput software trigger on GPUs. In particular, I'll focus on how we have redesigned our algorithms and data structures to take full advantage of massive parallelization.

Presentation materials