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This workshop will explore the options for new theoretical and experimental efforts towards resolving the puzzling lack of color transparency in protons as reported by a new A(e,e’p) experiment  at the recently upgraded Jefferson Lab. The objectives of the workshop are to stimulate new theoretical and experimental work towards understanding the origins of the apparent reaction dependence of this fundamental prediction of QCD, and/or the differences between three-quark and quark-antiquark states.

The connection of color transparency/coherence phenomenon with final state interactions in deep inelastic scattering, hadronization in the nuclear medium, heavy-ion collisions, and quantum entanglement will be examined. The possibility for new experimental searches including at future facilities such as the EIC will also be discussed. The results of the workshop will be summarized in a report that can serve as a roadmap for the future developments and a guide to areas for possible collaboration.

The scientific program is expected to comprise of review talks as well as more focused talks and separate discussion sessions after the presentations. The full agenda is currently under development.

Please mark your calendars, and do not hesitate to contact any of us if you are interested in contributing a talk or participating in the discussions.

The workshop will use Zoom: Meeting ID 982 7429 3376

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Zoom meeting ID: 982 7429 3376 (Please register for the password)
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