Proton Mass
- Ian Cloët (Argonne National Laboratory)
co-host: Garth Huber
The gravitational structure of hadrons is encoded in the gravitational form factors (GFFs),which are the form factors of the energy-momentum tensor of QCD. Just like the energy-momentum tensor, GFFs can be split between the quark and gluon contributions, and are directly related to the frame dependent energy, pressure and pressure anisotropy densities within hadrons. We use lattice QCD...
The mass radius is a fundamental property of the proton that so far has not been determined from experiment. Basing on my recent paper arXiv:2102:00110, I will show that the mass radius of the proton can be rigorously defined through the formfactor of the trace of the energy-momentum tensor (EMT) of QCD in the weak gravitational field approximation, as appropriate for this problem. I will then...
We briefly review the key aspect of the QCD instanton vacuum in relation to the quantum breaking of conformal symmetry and the trace anomaly. We use Ji's invariant mass decomposition of the energy momentum tensor together with the trace anomaly, to discuss the mass budget of the nucleon and pion in the QCD instanton vacuum. A measure of the gluon condensate in the nucleon, is a measure...
A number of different decompositions for the proton mass have been proposed in the literature. All of them can be expressed as matrix elements of operators related to the Energy-Momentum Tensor in quantum chromodynamics. We review and revisit these decompositions, by paying special attention to recent developments with regard to the renormalization of the energy-momentum tensor. We present...
The proton mass can be decomposed into the sum of various energies through the QCD Hamiltonian operator. I discuss what is natural and physically meaningful in this decomposition, clarifying misconceptions in the literature. I particularly emphasize the role of quantum anomalous energy which can be accessed through quarkonium production experiments at JLab 12 GeV and future EIC.