Generalized Parton Distributions
- Ian Cloët (Argonne National Laboratory)
co-host: Fatma Aslan
The distance, z, along the lightcone that the quark fields that enter the correlator describing the Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) are separated by is a natural variable for separating the non-perturbative (long-distance) and perturbative (short-distance) physics. We study how the behavior in z of a PDF can be mapped out given its Mellin moments. Pseudo PDFs describe the nucleon matrix...
The non-perturbative part of the cross-section of high-energy processes may be expanded in terms of the process's large energy scale. This gives rise to a tower of distribution functions, labeled by their twist (mass dimension minus spin). The leading twist (twist-2) contributions have been at the center of experimental measurements, theoretical investigations, and lattice QCD calculations. It...
Studying the role of gluons in exclusive scattering processes is essential as new physics programs, such as an electron ion collider, are planned in unprecedented kinematic regimes. We present a parameterization of gluon generalized parton distributions (GPDs) calculated using a reggeized spectator model. This parameterization is constrained using a combination of lattice QCD form factor...
Using the QCD equations of motion in the quark sector, Lorentz symmetry and discrete symmetries, one can derive an expression of partonic angular momentum in which the total, J, orbital, L, and spin, S components can be associated with specific twist two and twist three Generalized Parton Distributions. Within this approach, the different terms are derived using nonlocal matrix elements only,...