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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

The PREX/CREX experiments and neutron rich matter in the lab

Apr 14, 2021, 2:50 PM
Oral Presentation Extreme Matter


Charles Horowitz (Indiana University)


The Jefferson Laboratory parity violating electron scattering experiments PREX and CREX cleanly measure the neutron densities of 208Pb and 48Ca. This has implications for the equation of state of neutron rich matter and the structure of neutron stars. We compare PREX results to NICER X-ray telescope observations of neutron star radii and LIGO gravitational wave observations of neutron star deformabilities. We discuss the coming CREX results for 48Ca that will constrain Chiral EFT three neutron forces.

Primary author

Charles Horowitz (Indiana University)

Presentation materials