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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Neutron Stars and the Hidden Lives of Quarks

Apr 13, 2021, 1:50 PM


Jeffrey Berryman (University of California, Berkeley & University of Kentucky)


The emergence of gravitational wave observatories provides an exquisite opportunity to probe the nuclear equation of state at a few times nuclear saturation density with mergers involving neutron stars. If nucleons possess interactions beyond those prescribed by the Standard Model, then these modify the equation of state – and thus macroscopic neutron star properties – in a way that may be detectable in these events. These new forces also modify a number of hadronic processes, including η and η’ decays, such that they can be probed at, e.g., JLab. In this talk, I will discuss what neutron star observations say about the possibility of quark-coupled new physics and how current and future measurements of rare meson decays can test these new interactions.

Primary author

Jeffrey Berryman (University of California, Berkeley & University of Kentucky)

Presentation materials