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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Physics from MUSE: Beyond the Radius

Apr 13, 2021, 2:10 PM


Dr Ethan Cline (Stony Brook University)


The MUon Scattering Experiment (MUSE), which takes place at the PiM1 beamline of the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), aims to simultaneously measure elastic $ep$ and $\mu p$ scattering in order to determine the proton charge radius. However with the beamline and kinematics available to the experiment, MUSE has a broad physics reach. As the experiment uses both positively and negatively charged leptons, a precise two photon exchange measurement can be performed for both electrons and muons in the $0.002 < Q^2 < 0.08$ (GeV/c)$^2$ and $0.26 < \varepsilon < 0.94$ regime. The experiment has both a LH$_2$ target and a carbon target, allowing for a variety of precise cross section measurements. With access to $\pi^{\pm}$ in the beam it is also possible to measure absolute and relative elastic pion cross sections to high precision with the MUSE detector. In this talk the physics reach of MUSE and projected uncertainties for the measurements will be discussed.

Primary author

Dr Ethan Cline (Stony Brook University)

Presentation materials