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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Analyzing $\pi^0 \eta$ and $\pi^0 \eta'$ systems in the search for exotic hybrid mesons at GlueX

Apr 13, 2021, 2:10 PM


Zachary Baldwin (Carnegie Mellon University)


With a need to understand the physics attributed to the light-quark meson spectrum, multiple past experiments have searched into the possibility of non quark-antiquark (exotic) quantum numbers. The search for exotic hybrid mesons at the GlueX experiment has advanced past previous experiments' data collection with the initial phase of data accumulation being completed during 2018; higher statistics are being viewed along with larger acceptances for all final states. A strong interest has been placed on both the $\pi^0 \eta$ and $\pi^0 \eta'$ systems due to their strong possibility of containing the desired exotic quantum numbers. By comparing both of these channels, the role of flavor symmetry could also be highlighted, allowing for a better understanding of meson production mechanisms. Preliminary results will be shown for $\gamma p \rightarrow \pi^0 \eta^{(_{'})}p \rightarrow 4\gamma \pi^+ \pi^- p$, utilizing all of the GlueX Phase-1 data as well as comparison to observations seen in previous experimental (COMPASS) and theoretical (JPAC) results of the same channels.

Primary author

Zachary Baldwin (Carnegie Mellon University)

Presentation materials