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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Two-nucleon interactions from lattice QCD with a variational method: where are the bound states

Apr 14, 2021, 4:10 PM
Oral Presentation Hadronic Interactions I


Andrew Hanlon (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


The first calculation of two-nucleon interactions from lattice QCD dates back to over 25 years now. Even with vast increases in computational power and several algorithmic improvements since then, there remains disagreement within the community on the basic parameters that describe these interactions. This is a testament to the difficulty of the problem. Baryons suffer from a serious signal-to-noise ratio problem, significantly limiting the range of useful time-separations in the calculated correlation functions. Here we present recent results for both the $I = 0$ and $I = 1$ nucleon-nucleon interactions using SU(3)-flavor-symmetric ensembles. These calculations are performed with the distillation method and its stochastic variant. We also make use of a variational method, which can help to reduce unwanted excited states while allowing for several desired states to be extracted. Our results disfavor a bound state in both nucleon-nucleon systems. Several possibilities to explain the discrepancies within the literature will be discussed.

Primary author

Andrew Hanlon (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials