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Apr 13 – 16, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Monte Carlo Analysis of Pion Parton Distributions Using Various Threshold Resummation Methods

Apr 13, 2021, 4:10 PM
Oral Presentation Pion and Kaon Structure


Patrick Barry (Jefferson Lab)


Following our recent Monte Carlo determination of the pion’s PDFs from Drell-Yan (DY) and leading neutron electroproduction data, we extend the analysis by including effects from threshold resummation. At higher orders in the strong coupling, $\alpha_s$, soft gluon emissions cause large logarithmic corrections, which become important in the $q\bar{q}$ channel of the DY partonic cross section near threshold. These corrections can be summed over all orders of $\alpha_s$. However, different prescriptions exist for how the threshold resummation is implemented, for instance, using varying levels of approximation in the Minimal Prescription with cosine, expansion, and double Mellin methods. We present the Monte Carlo results of the first simultaneous fit of the valence, sea, and gluon distributions in the pion taking into account the ambiguities in the resummation calculations. We present the wide ranges of valence distributions at large $x$ and the effective behavior of the valence distribution as $x$ approaches $1$.

Primary authors

Patrick Barry (Jefferson Lab) Chueng R. Ji (North Carolina State University) Wally Melnitchouk (Jefferson Lab) Nobuo Sato (ODU)

Presentation materials