A beam of neutral kaons at the GlueX experiment will provide exciting physics opportunities for baryon and meson spectroscopy. With a flux exceeding previous experiments by up to three orders of magnitude, the approved K-Long facility at Jefferson Lab will allow us to substantially improve our knowledge of the properties of strangeness $S=-1$ hyperons by providing input for partial-wave analyses. Such coupled-channel studies of $2\to 2$ reactions will be enabled through the measurement of different final states over an energy range covering the spectrum of excited baryons.
This will allow the testing of chiral-unitary models for the $\Lambda(1405)$ at low energies, quark models, and lattice QCD predictions over the entire resonance region. In addition, the under-explored territory of $S=-2$ and $S=-3$ baryons will be mapped with a distinct potential for the discovery of many unseen states predicted by theory. The measurement of associated multi-meson final states is also necessary for the extraction of much improved pion-kaon amplitudes covering, in particular, lower energies. This is crucial to pin down the enigmatic $\kappa$ resonance, and to provide much-needed input to better understand SU(3) chiral perturbation theory and the pattern of QCD spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking.
speaker affiliation | The George Washington University |