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Sep 5 – 9, 2022
US/Eastern timezone
Thank you to all the participants for a great QNP2022!

Hyperon Form Factors

Sep 6, 2022, 3:00 PM


FSU, Tallahassee, FL, USA
oral presentation Hadron Structure


Viktor Thorén (Uppsala University)


Exploring the electromagnetic form factors of baryons helps us understand their internal structure and how the strong force binds the quarks together. The form factors of nucleons have been and continue to be studied extensively, but it is valuable to also pursue other, parallel avenues of research. A complementary and relatively unexplored approach is the study of hyperons. What does the presence of the heavier strange quark mean for the structure and what does this, in turn, tell us about the strong force? Answering these questions allows us to form a more general and complete understanding of how baryons are formed. The instability of hyperons makes measurements of their form factors difficult compared to those of the nucleons, but because their decays are "self-analyzing" they also offer unique opportunities. In this talk I will discuss how polarization, entanglement, and self-analyzing decays can be combined to measure the electromagnetic form factors of hyperons, and how these measurements can be interpreted in terms of structure. Finally, I will show recent results from the BESIII experiment where this method has been applied to the $\Lambda$ hyperon.

speaker affiliation Uppsala University

Primary author

Viktor Thorén (Uppsala University)

Presentation materials