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Sep 5 – 9, 2022
US/Eastern timezone
Thank you to all the participants for a great QNP2022!

Updated experimental insight into the $\overline{\rm{K}}$N interaction.

Sep 9, 2022, 8:50 AM


FSU, Tallahassee, FL, USA


Oton Vazquez Doce


Recent and upcoming measurements using complementary observables provide an updated scenario towards the description of the low-energy $\overline{\rm{K}}$N interactions and the understanding of the nature and structure of the $\Lambda$(1405).

Among traditional approaches, the first measurement of the Kaonic Deuterium X-rays by SIDDHARTA2 will enable access to the isospin dependence of the interaction. Studies of K$^{-}$ reactions in light nuclei at DA$\Phi$NE by AMADEUS and at J-PARC by E-15 provide new measurements of cross sections and scattering amplitudes at very low momentum and the identification and characterization of the $\overline{\rm{K}}$NN state.

Two-particle correlation studies in momentum space have been recently demonstrated to be very sensitive to the effects of the final state strong interaction and are applied to K$^{-}$--p and K$^{0}$--p pairs produced in hadron-hadron collisions by the ALICE Collaboration. Such studies are now extended for the first time to Three-Body correlations.

speaker affiliation INFN - LNF

Primary author

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