EIC Software Meeting

F324-325 (CEBAF Center)


CEBAF Center

CEBAF Center (Building 12) 12000 Jefferson Ave, Newport News, VA 23606
Alexander Kiselev (BNL), Andrea Bressan (INFN Trieste), Markus Diefenthaler (Jefferson Lab), Torre Wenaus (BNL)

On Tuesday, September 24, an EIC Software Meeting will be held at Jefferson Lab. We will review the status of the simulation tools for the EIC and will continue the work from the EIC Software Meeting on July 10 on a common Geant4 infrastructure for the EIC that will allow geometry exchange between the eRHIC and JLEIC concepts and is compatible with existing simulations tools. The meeting will be in parallel to the 24th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting and end with a Geant4 Technical Forum on the EIC.

Remote access will be available via BLueJeans: https://bluejeans.com/920347364

Visiting Jefferson Lab