Parallel session 1A
- W. Broniowski
Raza Sufian
(Jefferson Lab)
5/15/18, 2:00 PM
Recently, it has been shown that a class of coordinate-space-separated non-local hadronic matrix elements, computable directly in lattice QCD, can be factorized into parton distribution functions with calculable coefficients, in the same manner as the hadronic cross sections measured in an experiment [Phys.Rev.Lett. 120 (2018) no.2, 022003]. The pion and kaon, the lightest pseudo scalar...
Patrick Barry
(North Carolina State University)
5/15/18, 2:20 PM
Pions have long been associated with being the lightest bound state made of quarks, antiquarks and gluons (partons), as well as being the Goldstone boson produced from the breaking of effective chiral symmetry. In previous works, its parton distribution function (PDF) has been determined only by $\pi A$ Drell-Yan (DY) experiments such as E615 and NA10 done at Fermilab and CERN, respectively. ...
Tobias Frederico
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica)
5/15/18, 2:40 PM
We study a pion Bethe-Salpeter (BS) amplitude model in Minkowski space inspired by Lattice QCD results for the quark self-energy for space like momentum. The model is based on the assumption of the Godstone boson nature of the pion and the pseudoscalar BS vertex is chosen to match the scalar part of the self-energy. The model allows a Nakanishi representation of the BS ampliude and produce...
Joao Pacheco de Melo
(Laboratório de Fisica Teórica e Computacional, LFTC, UCS)
5/15/18, 3:00 PM
Pion off-shell electromagnetic form factors
J.~P.~B.~C.~de~Melo$^1$,~Tobias Frederico$^2$ and C.-R.~Ji$^3$
$^1$Laborat\'orio de F\'{\i}sica Te\'orica e Computacional-LFTC
\newline Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, 01506-000, S\~ao Paulo, Brazil \\
$^2$Departamento de F\'\i sica, Instituto Tecnol\'ogico...
Arun Tadepalli
(Rutgers University)
5/15/18, 3:20 PM
The Fermilab E906/SeaQuest is an experiment aimed at studying the anti-quark distributions in nucleons and nuclei. The experiment uses a 120 GeV proton beam extracted from the Main Injector at Fermilab to collide with various liquid and cryogenic targets to study a variety of physics topics ranging from light quark flavor asymmetry to the EMC effect in the nucleon sea. It takes advantage of...